Ugh, I hate this. Small saturday afternoon project: take three HUB75 LED panels, mount them next to each other to use as a display, use an existing ESP32-S3 plus HUB75 connector I have to control them, whack up some nice animations, done and dusted.
Until I find out that these panels use some obscure LS9929 'intelligent' column driver ICs. Which are 'smart', meaning the default HUB75 protocol isn't working. No datasheet available, no clue about driving signals or register layout or whatever. One of the sparse results is one Github issue where someone asked the manuf and all they said was 'we don't give out driving signals, only FPGA IP that drives them (presumably under a NDA).
I can't blame the seller, most off the shelf driving solutions will have some sort of FPGA load for this and can drive them no problem, but as a hobbyist or someone who wants to make a small display, you're SOL. Until you brute-force the timings, that is. Which I'm willing to do, because I'm not gonna be stopped by some manuf who wants to keep their stupid shift register signalling secret, but aaaaahrg, now it's not a quick win saturday afternoon project anymore and I already have way too many long running projects :(